shading #

Moss is designed around two simplistic models of light, one for dark mode and one for light mode. The goal is easy authoring with simple and consistent rules for arbitrary compositions and states. Each theme can choose to implement either light mode or dark mode or both.

Light mode's starting point is plain white documents (like paper) where we can think of UI construction as assembling elements that contrast against the white background, replacing some of the white blankness with darkened values/color/shape. In other words, we start with full lightness and subtract light to make visuals. Black shadows on the white background make natural sense, and white glows against a white background are invisible.

In contrast, dark mode's starting point is a lightless void where we add light. We add elements which emanate light. I think of videogames and virtual/augmented/actual reality. Black shadows are invisible against a black background, and white glows make natural sense against a black background.

This distinction leads to complication. For example, applying a black shadow to an element has a particular visual impact on the typical light mode page, but viewed in dark mode, it would disappear completely against a black background.

Moss provides APIs that simplify or hide this complexity. For example, the lighten and darken variables are the same in light and dark modes, but fg and bg are equivalent values that swap places in dark mode. Thus bg and fg are called color-scheme-aware, and lighten and darken are color-scheme-agnostic. (maybe you can think of better terminology? I like the word "adaptive" but idk) The colors docs elaborate more on this point.

Opacity is used to enable arbitrary stacking that visually inherits its context. Not all cases are properly handled yet, and some choices are made for performance reasons, like avoiding opacity on text. (assuming this is still a thing?)

Shades and highlights

darken and lighten

bg and fg

In light mode, bg is the same as lighten and fg is the same as darken. In dark mode, they're swapped.

Stacking opacity

<div class="fg_1 p_sm">
	<div class="fg_1 p_sm">
		<div class="fg_1 p_sm">
			<div class="fg_1 p_sm">
				<div class="bg p_sm">
these shades use opacity, but notice how contrast changes with depth, creating limitations

Fading opacity

full opacity